BSCC Event #5
Aahhh!!! Time flies! I haven't updated this blog lately but this weekend is an event in Everett and I hope to have pics, etc. from that. A quickie about the July 2 event and July 4 practice: they were a blast.
The July 2 event, "BSCC Event #5" kicked my butt. It was a pretty challenging course that absolutely nailed you if you forgot the cardinal rule of "look ahead" for even one turn. It felt like a one minute slalom. I loved it though because it definitely helped me pinpoint some obvious errors in my driving. On the 4th, it was just a practice, but with hardly anyone showing we were able to get a total of 23 runs in for the day!!! Slam! With some generous tutoring and course walking with Karl Coleman, I was able to see where I messed up on Sunday. Karl also took my Honda out for a couple of runs, and that was a blast. That guy can hug those cones! I think I had the most fun yet at those two events (eh, maybe tied with Oversteer/Understeer which was pretty awesome).
Here's the course map for both days:
Lastly, I got new Falken Azenis RT-615's on my Accord, so I am amped to see what I can do with those!